Total solutions based on both theories and know-how,
we offer you high level service and support

By our long time experience of printer business and specialized engneer’s theories and know-how, we offer you high level service and support.

Business contents

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    Sales and relocation of second hand equipment
    We sell and relocate LCD manufacturing equipment, Semiconductor manufacturing equipment, our equipment and partner company’ stocked equipment.
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    Sales representative for new equipment
    We sale our partner (in Japan or oversea)company’s new stepper, wet, and inspection equipment etc. as a sales representative.
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    Available to provide technical support and proceed projects for manufacturing line construction by our process engneers, also available to provide LCD and substrates for LCD.


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    Disassemble of second hand equipment
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    Disassemble of second hand equipment and pre-packaging
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    Moving out second hand equipment
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    Moving out and transport second hand equipment
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    Check second hand equipment before disassemble
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    Pre-packaging of second hand equipment
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    Transpotation of second hand equipment